Cape Fear Community Sailing Super Bowl Raffle
Join our Super Bowl Raffle!
Buy a square and you could win a payout after each quarter and the end of this Sunday’s Super Bowl between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs!
How to Play:
- Scan the Venmo QR code or find us on Venmo @CapeFear-CommunitySailing
- Pay $20
- Let us know your preferred square!
The grid below shows which squares are available and is updated every five minutes.
Squares are $20. No purchase limit. Total of 100 squares available.
In Venmo’s “What is this for?” box, include which square(s) that you would like. Please include an alternate or two in case your preference has been picked.
You can buy squares for $20 on Venmo: @CapeFear-CommunitySailing. In the “What is this for?” box, include which square(s) that you would like. Please include an alternate or two just in case someone has already picked that number.
There will be four winning draws:
- $200 – End of 1st Quarter
- $200 – End of 2nd Quater
- $200 – End of 3rd Quarter
- $400 – End of Game (Regulation play or overtime – whatever ends the game)
- The remaining $1000 will be donated to Cape Fear Community Sailing!
Winners are determined by the last digit of the score at the end of each quarter (or overtime). For example, if the score is 0-0 after one quarter again, the player whose name occupies the square with a “0” for the Eagles and a “0” for the Chiefs is the winner.
Once all the squares are filled, we will shuffle a deck of playing cards to select the NFC row and AFC column. Cards represent numbers 0 – 9. Video of the selection will be posted prior to the game.

Table gets updated every 5 minutes. View realtime on Google Sheets: CFCS Super Bowl Raffle